Friday, June 19, 2009

Roadmap Jetspeed 2.2.1

I am sketching out a Roadmap for the next Jetspeed release, version 2.2.1. Here was my original plan for 2.2.1, to be based on maintenance and improvements to 2.2.0:

Old Roadmap for 2.2.1
  • Advanced Portlet API 2.0 Support
  • Data Migration from 2.1.x to 2.2.x
  • Bug and Performance fixes to initial 2.2.0 release
  • Complete implementation of optional JSR-286 Cache features
  • Improved User and Site Browsing in Admin Portlets
  • Registry Export
As time passes, priorities change. I have been working with the Hippo Enterprise Content Management suite quite a bit lately, and I realized Content Management goes hand and hand with portals. It is about time Jetspeed gets content management features too. We were originally planning on implementing JCR features in version 2.2.2. After discussions with other team members, we are now looking at the following feature sets for JCR as the top priority for the 2.2.1 Roadmap:
  • Site and PSML persisted in JCR (Jackrabbit) Repository
  • Navigation integration with repository: portal can navigate directly to bookmarked content
  • Automatic publishing of content from repository, immediately accessible in portal
  • Security synchronized with JCR security
We will still need to provide Data Migration for 2.1.x users, thus the new high level Roadmap for 2.2.1 is as follows:

New High Level Roadmap for 2.2.1
  • Site and PSML persisted in JCR (Jackrabbit) Repository
  • Navigation integration with repository: portal can navigate directly to bookmarked content
  • Automatic publishing of content from repository, immediately accessible in portal
  • Security synchronized with JCR security
  • Data Migration from 2.1.x to 2.2.x
  • Bug and Performance fixes to initial 2.2.0 release
  • Registry Export
With full Portlet API 2.0 support from version 2.2.0, and JCR support coming in version 2.2.1, we are planting the foundation for developing Java enterprise applications mixed with content.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Jetspeed 2.2.0 Released

Last week I sent out the announcement for the Jetspeed 2..2.0 release. There wasn't much buzz for it. We've had our heads down working on this release on and off for over 18 months at Apache. Now that our heads our up, its time to look around and see where we go from here. Im working on a roadmap for the 2.2.1 release. CMS, Web 2.0 customizations are high on the list. We are also hoping Apache Portals Applications will get some traction.